Suicidal Behaviors
On average, there are 130 suicides per day in the United States alone. Worldwide, about 1.8% of deaths are attributable to suicide, with global rates increasing 60% over the last several decades.
Suicidal thinking often arises when life demands exceed one’s coping abilities and/or when one has endured extensive suffering and misery for an extended period of time, resulting in hopelessness. In these cases, some individuals may contemplate suicide. While many have experienced suicidal thoughts, those with depression, eating disorders, and borderline personality disorder tend to be particularly at risk.
Despite their desperate desire for the pain to stop, most individuals who experience suicidal thoughts or engage in behaviors feel deeply conflicted about ending their life. While they wish there was an alternative, they simply can’t see any other way out.
If you, or someone you know, has suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek treatment immediately.
We stress that these symptoms are treatable, regardless of the severity or how long they have been present. Our clinicians are extensively trained in helping people get unstuck, climb out of the hopeless abyss, and build a life that is meaningful and worth living.